Various types of sleep disorders exist. As you grow old the way you treat your body will definitely help you. In order to protect your body from various sleep disorders the least you could do is get the right amount of sleep. A total of 7-9 hours is usually recommended by doctors. When this sleep cycle is not completed properly it could lead to sleep disorders like insomnia. Some common examples of sleep disorders include insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, hypersomnia, and parasomnia as mentioned by the sleep and attention disorders institute on their website.

Around 15% of total people in all countries are affected by sleep disorders like insomnia and the number is expected to grow further if no further precautions are taken by people around the globe. Read on to know more about the various causes, symptoms, and risks presented by the sleep disorder of insomnia. 

Various types of causes contribute to an individual developing a particular type of sleep disorder. These can include:

  1. Lifestyle

Perhaps you are somebody who lives a very active lifestyle and is unknowingly compromising on your sleep schedule. Developing a chronic sleeping disorder becomes child’s play in this instance. If you’re somebody who is experiencing a lot of stress it is better to take it slow as it can have several detrimental effects on your health. Stress is one of the most common causes of sleep disorders among adults.

  1. Medications

Perhaps you are on some kind of medication that is unknowingly triggering your insomnia disorder. Some common medications that are notoriously known to cause insomnia include Alpha-blockers, Beta-blockers, Corticosteroids, and several others. It is always advised for you to consult a doctor based on the dosage of the sleep-inducing effect your medicines could have.

  1. Health conditions

It could be that your particular health condition is preventing you from getting a complete night’s rest. This condition could be temporary or something which is going to stay with you for your entire life. If possible try to treat your condition in the early stages itself and avoid the risk of developing an insomnia disorder.

  1. Bad food intake

Reduce your consumption of beverages containing caffeine and alcohol as these could heavily disrupt your system and cause insomnia. Products containing nicotine should come under this list. Having a heavy meal just before you go to sleep can also cause insomnia and affect the quality of your sleep massively.

  1. Electronic gadget use

Try to eliminate the use of electronic gadgets like laptops, mobiles, and gaming systems as the blue light emitted from these gadgets can deeply disturb your circadian rhythm leading you to feel tired throughout your entire day and developing an insomnia disorder indirectly.

There are certain symptoms that you need to look out for when treating a sleep disorder. The severity of these symptoms is something you need to be extremely careful with. These symptoms could be seen in the form of

  1. Extreme fatigue

If you feel sleepy even after you have completed your sleep it could be that you have possibly developed a sleep disorder. This can lead to a decrease in your productivity levels as you won’t be able to perform at your best. 

  1. Irritability

Irritability with other people or about a particular situation could be developed as your sleep schedule usually gets affected due to improper rest. People around you would get unnecessarily affected due to your improper sleeping schedule.

  1. Digestion problems

Various problems relating to the way your body is able to digest food could be developed. The problem may further escalate and you may need to change your routine entirely.

  1. Poor concentration

If you’re a student you should absolutely try to rectify your sleep disorder as it could affect your concentration ability and ultimately affect your grades. 

  1. Headaches

One of the easily noticeable symptoms of insomnia includes frequent and painful headaches. These headaches should definitely not be ignored as they can further escalate and lead to a serious medical condition.

  1. Unnatural circadian rhythm

Your body will naturally show a symptom when its circadian rhythm gets disturbed. This could be seen when you wake up early than your normal waking time or when you are not able to sleep at your desired time. 

If you notice any of these symptoms it is better to visit a specialist who would help you treat your sleep disorder. There are several risk factors which are associated with insomnia. These risks could be seen in the form of

  1. Accidents

You could get in an accident unknowingly if you become careless and end up sleeping during your ride. 

  1. Depression

A case of both insomnia and depression can be noticed in certain people and it can completely disrupt an individual’s routine.

  1. Anxiety

A bad case of anxiety could be developed if your sleep condition isn’t improved. It could start from a minor case of anxiety and end up being something that the individual has no control upon.

  1. Heart diseases

Several heart diseases like high blood pressure could unknowingly get triggered due to insomnia. The treatment of these diseases could make you pay unnecessary charges which could easily be eliminated.

  1. Mental health

Due to improper amounts of sleep, your mental health could get unnecessarily affected. This could end up affecting your work life and productivity. Take care of your mental health by visiting a doctor if your condition ends up worsening drastically.
By reading the above risk factors you must be aware by now how insomnia can pose a great threat to your health and well-being. For the treatment and diagnosis of the above symptoms, you can either visit your local doctor or hire a specialist to help you with your condition. Maybe a simple solution like changing your mattress is required to help you with your insomnia. The only way you can know about this is through a trial and error method.


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