What's The Best Sleeping Position?
October 28, 2022Sleep

What’s The Best Sleeping Position?

When you lay down on your bed you want to curl up and sleep in the most comfortable position. As the night grows, you eventually switch to a different sleeping position. The sleeping position that suits your body type is defined by how rejuvenated and fresh you feel when you get up in the morning.  If you slept in an uncomfortable position the entire night, you will tend to have body aches tha …

3 Reasons Sleep Disorder May Be Harming Your Back
October 20, 2022Sleep

3 Reasons Sleep Disorder May Be Harming Your Back

Sleep deprivation poses potent risk factors for an array of physiological and physical ailments like dementia, chronic back pain or body pain, obesity, diabetes, not to mention, death.  A recent study leveraging polysomnography in the population suffering from persistent body pain reported 72% having insomnia . Proving the point that people having sleep disorders mostly suffer from back pain, b …

Sleep Disorders & Sleep Hygiene - All You Need to Know
October 12, 2022Sleep

Sleep Disorders & Sleep Hygiene – All You Need to Know

Sleep and sleep-related queries globally are going to be similar. The outbreak of the Pandemic brought about a change in people’s life. Considering the fear of the Pandemic, while some people began focusing on their health, others found it daunting to even sleep properly. Working from home disrupted people’s sleeping hours and hence immensely affected their sleep patterns spoiling their sleep hygi …

Best Sleeping Position to Reduce Back Pain
September 23, 2022Sleep

Best Sleeping Position to Reduce Back Pain

Lower back pain is not something that we aren’t aware of. It is quite common among people who tend to slump to a side with a slight spine bent, perform exhausting household chores not paying attention to their posture while bending or avoid exercise leading to unused back muscles.  The lower back is the most essential part of the body as it handles most of the body weight and hence, it i …

7 Surprising Health Benefits of Getting Sound Sleep
September 19, 2022Sleep

7 Surprising Health Benefits of Getting Sound Sleep

Lack of sleep isn’t just spoiling your daily lifestyle but also degrading the quality of your life. A lack of proper sleep at night can make you cranky and overtime messes up more than just your morning routine and mood. A deficiency of sleep can lead to multiple disorders that gradually can eat up your health.  According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute , sleep deficiency can re …

10 Proven Points to Get a Good Nights Sleep
September 16, 2022Sleep

10 Proven Points to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

When you are awake at 4:00 am, falling asleep for the next four hours might seem impossible. Sleepless nights are way too familiar an issue amidst young Indians today. Researchers and doctors have identified a few practices that might be causing hindrance in your good night’s sleep . By following a few healthy patterns and habits, also known as Sleep Hygiene , you can increase your sleeping hours eve …

September 3, 2022Sleep

Sleep and Nutrition: The Connection Between What We Eat and How We Sleep

The symptoms of sleeping less or eating the wrong type of food can easily be seen in the way you go about your regular day. Did you know that there exists an intricate connection between your eating and sleeping patterns? Even if you don’t, we’re sure that through this blog you’ll be able to understand the importance of the bond your sleeping and eating cycles have with each other.  The connec …

Why Good Sleep is Necessary? Benefits of Good Sleep
May 5, 2022Sleep

Why Good Sleep is Necessary? Benefits of Good Sleep

Modern-day routines often don’t allow people to get enough sleep. Work stress, traveling, and lifestyle changes are just some of the many factors that may hamper your sleep routine. However, the importance of sleep cannot be undervalued. The benefits are numerous– sleeping makes sure that you remain in your optimum physical and emotional health, it allows your body to relax and recharge and …

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